Story Fixes

This is for those parts in the game that really aren't believable, drawn out, incomplete, or just silly. And if the small chance, that a remake did happen, these parts would obviously not be changed, as it is part of the story, but would change had the story not been released yet.

--- The length of time between the Dragon Campaign and the game.
I know they had significant meaning to the 108th time, but that would make it 11,574 years between the two if the moon appeared shortly after the final battle in Kadessa (my personal belief) or 11,682 years, if it took 108 years after the battle.
We know this timeline, but what happens in that time.
First of all, the history is still fairly current, as far as people recall things.
In our modern times, we even have problems with knowing things 10,000 years ago, and we have technology that allows us to share anything we find almost instantly.
Whereas the history here would simply be word of mouth, and a scattering of pages. (that chances are wouldn't have been able to be preserved)
Another thing is, the civilization hadn't advanced almost at all.
Look at how far we have come in 1,000 years, and yet even with magic, they haven't advanced almost any.
Also the population is still extremely small, and contained to around 10 cities.
After 10,000 years, even if there was only a single couple who survived the Dragon Campaign, the land should be covered with cities.
And I know 108 has significance in the fact the Virage Embryo is the 108th species, but the only thing special about this moon child, is that she had a twin.
So there really isn't a special reason why it had to fail  now.
Why couldn't it have been only 1836(1944) years later, and Shana is the 18th moon child.
That would be more believable, especially seeing as 2000 years ago was a significant time in our history as well.

I know some would think that I shouldn't rate the games history against our history, but the point I am trying to get across is that 11,000 years is a long time, for nothing to happen. 2000 years is as well, if you think about it. But I am just saying that every time I see 10 or 11,000 years pop up, I just think it's drawn out. Maybe it's just me.

---Definitely tone back on the hints of Meru being a Wingly and Rose being the Black Monster.
I first beat the game back in 2001 when I was 11 years old, and I had guessed both of them long before they were actually revealed.
It just makes everyone, especially Dart, seem like a complete idiot. (Rose might be the exception, as it seems she figures out Meru is a Wingly before everyone else)

And no, I didn't find out online, I didn't have access to the internet until 2003.

1 comment:

  1. The 11,000 years make more sense when you realize that world is long past its intended expiration date. The Winglies sealed the 108th species in order to make their rule over the world eternal. Chances are that the Virage Embryo should have wiped them long before the Dragon Campaign was brought about. Not only that, but they purposed their cities to control all aspects of civilization: law, technology/magic, and even life and death. Consider the factors of the rise and fall of civilizations. Population growth, population decline, natural disasters, famine, pestilence, and war. Imagine if those seldom or never occur over the course of centuries. There would be no need for innovations, the populations remained at a constant, and wars never escalate beyond their borders. Pages would never be scattered and legends would only be minimally shrouded by time. All of this because the world itself was never meant to last this long. The seal puts the world in a stasis similar to the choker that Rose wears. The world just keeps on spinning neither growing nor declining but just lingering in the same state until Zieg turned back to flesh.
