Chapter 2: Platinum Shadow
Stardusts: 5
Go to the top part of the town. You should see a scene with a remarkably annoying Princess.
Now go talk to the guard, he will tell you that you cannot enter.
Go back to the first area, and enter the in on the right side.
Kaffi should come and talk you ear off.
Tell her you are interested in stars, and she will keep going, until she admits, she knows no more then most people in town, but then mentions that if you want to know more to go as Festor next door. He specializes in the Moon That Never Sets and the Black Monster. Sounds like a guy to meet.
So head on over to the house on the left, Shana will get out and start banging on the door.
Festor lets you in and tells you a story about the Moon.
He then has to leave to go to the castle.
It's night out, and you can't leave town, so head to the house in the bottom left side of the screen.
Head inside, and talk to Nello. Her and Albert will talk the night away.
In the morning, head out of town and go north to the Barrens.
Items: Recovery Ball, Total Vanishing, Warrior Dress
Pretty east place, just keep going up, and follow the path around to exit the top of the screen.
Up in the next place, will bring you up against a few thieves wanting you to leave your money, which you decline.
Boss time.
Boss Fight: Mappi, Crafty Thief x2
Take out the thieves first. If you get them to low HP then will steal something, then run on their next turn. Kill them before they can. Don't bother with Dragoons, except for maybe Dart, as it won't matter if you waste his SP and MP
After the battle, Mappi steals Dart's Dragoon spirit. They give chase, but to no avail.
Exit to your right.
Continue to the top of your screen and exit.
Head to Donau
Stardusts: 2
Enter the house to the right as you enter, and talk to Kate.
Now go to the left side of town, up the long flight of stairs, this is the Mayor's house.
Go inside, and after reading the note, the butler will let you speak to the Mayor.
After some talking, he tells you that the gang resides past the Valley of Corrupted Gravity, and asks you to save his son.
Go back down the stairs, where you'll meet Meru, and she will join the party.
She tells you that you need the king's permission to enter the Valley of Corrupted Gravity, and so it's back to Fletz you must go.
Head out of Donau, go through the Barrens the way you came, and head back to Fletz
Stardusts: 5 (same ones as before)
Go straight up and talk to the guard blocking the way to the palace.
He still won't let you in, but mentions that if you know someone that can vouch for you he can.
Head over to the item shop, at the bottom left of this area.
Nestor is in there looking at the massive telescope, and tells you he can talk when his errands are done.
Find him in the north part of town, by the guard, after this, and he will bring you to his house.
He will agree to bring you to see the king.
Follow him past the guard and into the throne room.
The King will grant you permission.
So go back out and go to the exit of the castle
Right before you leave, a servant will find you and tell you Princess Lisa wants to talk to you
So you go and meet Princess Lisa.
She will tell you about her sister and think the Gehrich Gang is involved and wants you to go find out if it's true.
You agree and you were going that way anyway and she gets you to come to dinner with the family.
After you will be in the palace bedroom. Speak to the few of your party members still up, until you go to bed yourself.
In the morning, head out, and head back to the Barrens
Go like you did before, but instead of going right, after where Mappi stole your Dragoon Spirit, go left.
Then head to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.
Have fun :)
Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Items: Knight Helm, Meteor Fall, Moon Serenade, Sachet, Speed Up, Talisman
Go talk to the guard, and he'll open the massive gate for you.
Follow the path and go out through the top.
Climb the tree
Hop onto the rock, and hop off at the first stop
Hop onto the next rock, it only has one stop.
Hop on the next rock, it only has one stop
Hop onto the final rock (for this zone) and get off at the first stop.
Run up the tree and off to the right
This next section is a pain, get ready for upside down switches and everything
Hop on the first rock, and get off at the only stop
This next part is the walkthrough to get the Talisman, an extremely useful item at certain areas
Run over and hop on the only rock on the left, get off on it's first stop
Run around and hop on the other rock, it goes up
When you get off, run up and use the rock as a stepping stool, and get the treasure chest
It's a Talisman.
Do NOT sell this item, it will be extremely useful for a fight near the end of the 3rd Disc
Go back down and hop on the next rock, it only has one stop.
Hop on the next rock, get off on it's first stop (second stop from the starting area, if you decide not to get the Talisman, or had to go back)
Go to the little white circle on the ground, and use it
You will be transported to the white circle above it, upside down.
Walk over to the rock and hop on, it only has one stop.
Walk to the white circle and turn over
Walk to the other white circle, and turn back over.
Walk to the white circle and turn over again
Hop onto the rock to the top right, it will bring you up and has one stop
(Note: the rock on the bottom left brings you to the beginning, this will be useful when coming back)
Hop onto the next rock to the left, it only has one stop
Hop on the rock to the right, it only has one stop.
Shana has a meltdown, and the earth starts to shake
Boss time
Boss Fight: Virage
Pretty simple, attack the head with single attacks. I also usually have enough all attacks to take out the arms quickly. Nothing too hard. Throws some status ailments out.
Talk with everyone when they're spread out, then go on through the top
Now of to the Home of the Gigantos
Home of the Gigantos
Items: Angel's Prayer, Bandit's Ring, Fake Knight Shield, 20g
When you enter, make sure you keep running or you'll get pelted with arrows.
Go to the left through the arches.
Press the shiny thing on the ground, this will stop the arrows.
Now go back out through the bottom arch, this will bring you to the chest with the Bandit's Ring
Go back through the arch, and back out through either the top or middle arch.
Head through the top, where you saw the bandit run.
Run to the door, it will close on you
The bandit will come out and jeer you
Eventually they will start shooting arrows
Run around until they get upset, because they missed so much
They will get a gangster and a couple of crafty thieves to come fight you.
Take them out, and Haschel will open the door for you.
***Make sure Haschel is equipped and ready for a fight***
Go out to the next area
The party will go into the cave to the side, while Haschel knocks out Meru and leaves to the top
When you get your party back, go up the way Haschel went
Boss time
Boss Fight: Mappi, Gehrich
Easy enough fight, however Mappi may use an instant death move, and could go invis for awhile. This is annoying. So unload on him with all you got.
After the fight, Kongol will join your party.
The Dragoon Spirit, is the shiny thing in the bottom right side of the screen.
Go back out the way you came, through the Valley of Corrupted Gravity, keeping in mind the shortcut to get back.
When you get to the Barrens, Lyn will leave to go back to Donau. You can go as well, and see their wedding, or else go back to Fletz to the king
Kongol's Dragoon Spirit
You can wait until nearly the end of the game and get it in the story line, or you can go find it now.
It's really quite simple, and doesn't take all that long, just make sure you have 1000g
When leaving the Barrens to go to Fletz, go down instead of left along the dotted line.
This will bring you to a sign post, asking where you would like to go.
Choose South Serdio.
You should now be a little north of Lohan
Go down to Lohan and enter the town
Go right, to the street vendor from before
Guess what he has!
A shiny miracle stone that glows yellow!
Pay him his 1000g (he won't go lower this time) and head on back to Fletz with Kongol as a Dragoon.
-Note: If you don't get it this way, you will be lucky to get it to get Kongol to Dragoon level 2 by the end boss, so it really is worth it.
Stardusts: 5 (same ones again)
When you get into town, the ceremony for the passing of the Moon Dagger to the Princess has already started.
Go up to the castle, the guard will let you in
Inside, the guards are all rude dirty bandits, but you don't get to go in hacking and slashing.
Instead you need to make it to Princess Lisa's room undetected.
Go out to the right side, below where your bedrooms where.
You need to make it to the top of the tower, without getting seen by the guards outside
Time your runs, while the guards backs are turned.
First run should be to the room at the bottom of the tower
Second to the stairs at the end
Third run is across to the next stairs across the middle.
From there you don't need to worry, the guard in front of Princess Lisa's room isn't bad, go in and talk to her
She will come with you now, but don't think that gives you a free pass.
Go back down the tower, avoiding the same guards as before.
When confronting the guards again, you realize you need to go find the real Princess Emille
Go to the tower on the left side, going up without being seen again.
At the top, you'll scare off the two guards, and go inside
When you're looking around the room, use the large portrait of the Princess and you will be transported to where the real Princess Emille is.
Once inside, hit the white orb at the top of the screen to create a light bridge.
You will wake up Princess Emille, and she will now come with you.
Go back down the tower, and don't worry about guards now, upon seeing the real Princess they run off scared
Go through the doors, into the chamber of the sun.
You will confront the fake Princess, and she will attack
Boss time
Boss Fight: Lenus
She is really fast and has strong magic. I know Kongol is a nice power house, however, her magic attacks will decimate him, if you aren't careful. She is water elemental, so fire fire and more fire. When you're done, she runs off with the Moon Dagger.
Head to Donau through the Barrens
Queen's Fury
Stardusts: 2
Once in Donau, go to where Meru joined the party, and go all the way to the far end.
The Queen's Fury, is what you will be using to hunt down Lenus.
Once you're on the ship and have control of Shana, your goal is to find Dart
To find him, go straight to the top, and enter one of the doors there.
Go up the stairs at the bottom right, and go up the ones on the roof of the room
Now continue to the top of the screen again, take not of where Haschel is, and go out through the top.
You will find Dart in there.
Now as Dart, you need to find Rose. She is up the long ladder at the back of the cabin
As Rose, you need to find Haschel, down the ladder and out the door
Haschel needs to find Kongol. Go down the stairs, and again, and out to where Shana started.
Go down those stairs, into the engine room for Kongol.
Kongol needs to go find Albert.
Go up the stairs to the top, into one of the three doors.
Rather then going up the stairs like you did with Shana however, go into the room below them for Albert.
Albert needs to find Meru.
So out of the door, to the left, and down the hall to the door at the end.
Meru will go find Dart.
So out the room, and follow the same path as Shana.
Now that you are Dart and Meru, you can either go find everyone, except Rose to go on an "adventure" or you can go find Rose and progress the game.
A ghost ship crashes into you, and Shana falls of the boat and lands on it.
On to the Phantom Ship
Phantom Ship
Items: Bravery Amulet, Dancing Dagger, Night Raid, 20g, 50g, 100g, 200g
After a scene with Shana, you will gain control.
Most fights on the ship are when you run into the blue floating spheres that appear, so keep that in mind.
Go up and to the right to the door there.
A ghost crewman, will be trying to get the captain to come out, but he won't
Go back out to the area where Shana was saved by the knights for another scene
Go down the stairs, and go to the first door down the hall.
Open the chest and kill the three skeletons
Go out into the hall, and into the next room
Open the chest in here and defeat the Bogy and skeletons
Now out the hall and to the last room
Defeat the three Bogies and the Captain will call you to his cabin.
Go back out down the hall and up the stairs.
Then go around and to the right, the Captain's cabin will be open now.
-Note- If you haven't already, go to the Queen's Fury item depot and buy a bunch of the light based attacks.
With the key the Captain gave you, go out, and go to the room in the bottom left, that will be able to open now.
Some knights come out, spouting things at Rose.
Boss time
Boss Fight: Ghost Captain, Ghost Knights x4
Now the only hard thing about this fight, is all five of the things come back to life after a couple turns, so you have to knock them down at the same time. The easiest way to do this, is have everyone attack the Captain, with whatever they have. Trans Lights from the ship work wonderfully, and when he is almost down, start using Dancing Rays. They won't know what hit them.
After the fight go to the room to the left, and rock the baby rocker.
A scene will play, and then the boat will start to sink, head back to the Queen's Fury
A long bunch of things will happen, enjoy, gasp, ponder, and perhaps take a potty break.
Items: Healing Potion
Stardust: 1
So once you get control, leave Pete's house and take the boat to the ocean terrace.
Pete will come out and ask to travel with you so his mom can go to the clinic.
Exit right, and head to the Undersea Cavern.
The Undersea Cavern is extremely easy, with the tide not ebbing, just run across to you left, it's the only way to go.
Head for Fueno
Stardusts: 2
-Load up on Burn Outs while in town. Remember Lenus was water type...-
When you enter town, go to the top towards the docks.
In the next area, keep going up into the door at the top
You will run into Kayla who tells you everyone is in town
Go back the way you came and you will run into Meru
She tells you to go to the Inn where everyone is staying.
Go back to the first area and go to the Inn on the left side.
After a scene run up stairs to find Shana in the room at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have everyone, leave the Inn and go talk to the drunk in yellow by the entrance to the town.
He mentions a Dragon, so it's off hunting for you.
Leave the town and head back to Lidiera, through the Undersea Cavern
Items: Healing Potion (same as before)
Stardust: 1 (same as before)
Go back to your boat, and go out to the pier
You will talk to the Mayor who tells you how to get the water to recede in the Undersea Cavern
Take the boat to Pete's house, and walk around it on the rocks, to the cave to the right
Go down to the bottom, and turn the wheel.
Now head back out, and take the boat to the ocean terrace
Head out of town to the Undersea Cavern
Undersea Cavern
Items: Attack Ball x2, Burn Out, Gushing Magma, Healing Fog, Healing Rain, Jeweled Crown, Recovery Ball x2
When you're in the Undersea Cavern, there will be a new way for you to go now, through the top.
Follow the path, as it loops down, around, and back up to the top right.
Once there, follow the rocks going around the rock tower in the center
Keep going up until you hit the top and exit.
Keep going straight, and you're at Prison Island where Lenus is waiting, with a couple friends
Boss time
Boss Fight: Lenus, Regole
Use your burnouts, as well as Dart's magic. Take out Regole first, and it's surprisingly easy compared to the first time you fought her.
In the end, Lenus dies, Dart saves Shana, and Meru gets her Dragoon Spirit
Go back out the way you came, and head for Queen's Fury in Fueno, it's time to travel back to Fletz.
Stardusts: 5 (if you hadn't gotten them yet, you probably aren't anyway)
So exit the Undersea Cavern to the left to get to Fueno
Go to the top twice in Fueno to get on to the ship
Follow the dotted line to get to Donau
Leave Donau and go through the Barrens
Exit the Barrens and go to the castle in Fletz
After getting back, the king will throw you a party. It will consist of you almost kissing Shana, running around finding everyone, dancing with Meru, making a wish with Shana, and finally kissing her. I write down where everyone is so you know.
Dart and Shana are who you are running around with
Meru and Haschel are trying to get the food early (room opposite of your bedroom)
Rose is in the bedroom
Albert is in Emille's room
Kongol is in the lower middle room.
Then go to the room behind the practice room Kongol is in
Congratulations, that is the end of Disc 2
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