Damage Ratings

I got the idea to do a "damage rating" workout, when discussing the difference between Kongol and Meru over on the Game Fixes topic.
So now I will do one with all the characters.
All characters will be rated, based on being level 60.
All characters will be rated, as having gotten their final weapon.
All character's speed rating will be a percentage based off of 100.
I will do Rose with the Dragon Buster as well as with the Gladius, as the attack boost given by the Dragon Buster is quite substantial.

Albert/Lavitz- 225 B-atk. 65 atk Halberd. 40 speed
225+65= 290 x 405% = 1174.5 x .4 = 469.8
Albert/Lavitz's damage rating is 469.8

Dart- 150 B-atk. 44 atk Claymore. 50 speed
150+44= 194 x 450% = 873 x .5 = 436.5
Dart's damage rating is 436.5

I rated Dart with the Claymore, because using the Claymore/Bandit's Ring will give him a higher rating then the Soul Eater/Therapy Ring

Haschel- 188 B-atk. 55 atk Destroyer Mace* 60 speed
188+55= 243 x 501% = 1217.4 x .6 = 730.5
Haschel's damage rating is 730.5

*The base attack with the Destroyer Mace is at full HP.

Kongol- 254 B-atk. 88 atk Indora's axe. 30 speed
254+88= 342 x 300% = 1026 x .3 = 307.8
Kongol's damage rating is 307.8

Meru- 147 B-atk. 40 atk Basher. 70 speed
147+40= 187 x 600% = 1122 x .7 = 785.4
Meru's damage rating is 785.4

Miranda/Shana- 104 B-atk. 50 atk. 65 speed
104+50= 154 x 100% = 154 x .65 = 100.1
Miranda/Shana's damage rating is 100.1

Rose- 142 B-atk. 40 atk Gladius. 55 speed
142+40= 182 x 500% = 910 x .55 = 500.5
Rose's damage rating is 500.5

Rose- 142 B-atk. 100 Dragon Buster. 55 speed
142+100= 242 x 500% = 1210 x .55 = 665.5
Rose's damage rating is 665.5

So we have the following in descending order of physical damage rating.

Meru- 785.4 (1.0)
Haschel- 730.5 (.93)
Rose (Dragon Buster)- 665.5 (.85)
Rose- 500.5 (.64)
Albert/Lavitz- 469.8 (.60)
Dart- 436.5 (.56)
Kongol- 307.8 (.39)
Miranda/Shana- 100.1 (.13)

And now for magic ratings. All is based off of a character's base magic attack, as you have a limited amount of magic items.

Miranda/Shana- 255 (1.0)
Meru- 225 (.88)
Dart- 150 (.59)
Rose- 150 (.59)
Haschel- 148 (.58)
Albert/Lavitz- 108 (.42)
Kongol- 75 (.29)

Now, saying that magic and physical damage are equally important, we have.

Meru 1.0+.88= 1.88
Haschel .93+.58= 1.51
Rose (Dragon Buster) .85+.59= 1.44.
Rose .64+.59= 1.23
Dart .56+.59= 1.15
Miranda/Shana .13+1.0= 1.13
Albert/Lavitz .60+.42= 1.02
Kongol .39+.29= .68

This isn't a "you must use these characters" guide. It's just something I put together.
There are many other variables that can be added.
Such as Bandit's Shoes. You can only get one pair, where as you can get multiple Dancer's Shoes.
It may not seem like it, but speed is HUGE when it comes to damage rating.
So although have Dart-Meru-Haschel looks like the way to go, working in an extra 20 speed to only Meru and Dart or Haschel, where as with Dart-Meru-Rose you can get an extra 20 speed to all, that makes a big difference, when you get the Dragon Buster for Rose. That's just one example.
Also remember, these ratings are with the highest level additions maxed out.
You get Meru a bit later then all but Kongol, and she has several additions to master to get there.
So although her rating is high, it takes time to get her there.
Rose on the other hand, has fewer additions, and you get her much sooner.
So there are pros and cons with every character.

Hope you found this entertaining, and maybe even useful.

One final time, the final scores for everyone.

Meru- 1.88
Haschel- 1.51
Rose (Dragon Buster)- 1.44
Rose - 1.23
Dart- 1.15
Miranda/Shana- 1.13
Albert/Lavitz- 1.02
Kongol- 0.68


Now with the preceding workout, you can see the disparity between the characters.
I will do another work out here, same thing except with the two fixes I have mentioned in the Game Fixes section.

First will be additions. I will make the characters with the highest attack have the highest final addition damage, and those with the lowest attack, have the lowest damage.
So like this

Albert/Lavitz 405% -> 500%
Dart 450% -> 450%
Haschel 501% -> 400%
Kongol 300% -> 600%
Meru 600% -> 300%
Miranda/Shana N/A
Rose 500% -> 400%

I will also be adjusting Albert/Lavitz's speed to 45 and Kongol's to 40, so the entire party is based of an increment of 5

Here we go

Albert/Lavitz- 225 B-atk. 65 atk Halberd. 45 speed
225+65= 290 x 500% = 1450 x .45 = 652.5
Albert/Lavitz's damage rating is 652.5

Dart- 150 B-atk. 44 atk Claymore. 50 speed
150+44= 194 x 450% = 873 x .5 = 436.5
Dart's damage rating is 436.5

Haschel- 188 B-atk. 55 atk Destroyer Mace 60 speed
188+55= 243 x 400% = 972 x .6 = 583.2
Haschel's damage rating is 583.2

Kongol- 254 B-atk. 88 atk Indora's axe. 40 speed
254+88= 342 x 600% = 2052 x .4 = 820.8
Kongol's damage rating is 820.8

Meru- 147 B-atk. 40 atk Basher. 70 speed
147+40= 187 x 300% = 561 x .7 = 392.7
Meru's damage rating is 392.7

Miranda/Shana- 104 B-atk. 50 atk. 65 speed
104+50= 154 x 100% = 154 x .65 = 100.1
Miranda/Shana's damage rating is 100.1

Rose- 142 B-atk. 40 atk Gladius. 55 speed
142+40= 182 x 400% = 728 x .55 = 400.4
Rose's damage rating is 400.4

Rose- 142 B-atk. 100 Dragon Buster. 55 speed
142+100= 242 x 400% = 968 x .55 = 532.4
Rose's damage rating is 532.4

New physical damage chart

Kongol- 820.8 (1.0)
Albert/Lavitz- 652.5 (.79)
Haschel- 583.2 (.71)
Rose w/Dragon Buster- 532.4 (.65)
Dart- 436.5 (.53)
Rose- 400.4 (.49)
Meru- 392.7 (.48)
Miranda/Shana- 100.1 (.12)

So right off the bat we can see that the damage ratings are in order of base attack ratings.
So those who are supposed to do more damage, are doing more damage.

Magic ratings again.

Miranda/Shana- 255 (1.0)
Meru- 225 (.88)
Dart- 150 (.59)
Rose- 150 (.59)
Haschel- 148 (.58)
Albert/Lavitz- 108 (.42)
Kongol- 75 (.29)

And the new total damage ratings are

Meru .48+.88= 1.36
Haschel .71+.58= 1.29
Kongol 1.0+.29= 1.29
Rose (Dragon Buster) .65+.59= 1.24
Albert/Lavitz .79+.42= 1.21
Miranda/Shana .12+1.0= 1.12
Rose .49+.59= 1.08
Dart .53+.59= 1.06

Look at that. Everyone is pretty much even.
The old damage rating gap between first and last was
Meru 1.88- Kongol 0.68 = 1.20

The new damage rating gap would be
Meru 1.36- Dart 1.06 = 0.30

That's a big difference.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my little experiment.
Hope you enjoy the game!

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